Monday, November 30, 2009

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

Does a ps3 have better graphics then a 360 if the ps3 does not have hdtv?

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

In order to compare them - look at PS3 exclusives and 360 exclusives. PS3 is much better.

Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

Almost a third of XBOX 360 are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%.

Let's compare them

PS3 has 7+1 kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3x2

PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual DVD (9.5 gb).

Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in card reader (except 20 gb version), ability to use printer and so on.

Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

Graphics are stronger in PS3, due to RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. To estimate its power (roughly) - take 8600 Ultra nvidia graphics card, multiply it by 2 - get a result, still PS3 stronger, because 8600 Ultra runs on 400 Mhz and RSX runs on 550 Mhz.

PS3 has a chip from AGEIA company. It does to physics of the game same thing GPU (videocard processor) does to graphics. This card is on sale for PC. The price is around 350$.

Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 8 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it.

Besides all of this, I've seen disassembled Xbox 360 - regular PC architecture - Billy Gates is an uninventive nerd (as usual).

When I saw disassembled PS3 - it was a surprise - smart architecture, good cooling (don't buy external PS3 coolers - they make everything worse - original system is good), etc.

In 2008 we'll get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4 and other great exclusives. Here is the great link to the future PS3 releases.

PS3 online world will be free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

In some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console.

Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years.

I didn't mention Wii, because it's so weak, no point to talk about it.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

The 360 is far far smoother and faster i used to be a ps3 fan and own both it looks like 360 is better but im running it through HDTV and plasma and i see the 360 is better

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?


Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

360 has it better bcuz its been around longer

and game producer makers had more time to work on the 360 system making the games look shinier

and we all know in this world that shinier is better

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

there both about the same, but if you have the visual as well as the audio componets the ps3 blows the 360 out of the water but u need the equipment to back it up to notice a difference

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

I think the PS3 looks a little better than the 360 without an HDTV.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

both those guys are wrong. the only way to tell which one has better games is with first party exclusives. games made for both systems are going to look about the same because they program it for one and port it to the other. in this case, the 360 sometimes look better because developers find it easier to develope it on the 360 and the port it to the ps3. but look at the first party sony games. they look way better than first party 360 games. therefor, the ps3 has not only more potential, but it has the better graphics.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

I believe the PS3 does support hdtvs, but in some cases the framerate is better on the 360. For example: Madden 08 runs at 30 FPS on a PS3, while the same game on a 360 runs at 60 FPS. So, it heavily depends on what game you plan on purchasing for either system. One of the upsides of the PS3, however, is that you can use it as a home computer that runs Linux. The downsides of this is that there are only a handful of programs for Linux-based systems, and the PS3 is still fairly expensive. I hope that helps.

Good luck!

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

The Xbox would have the better, smoother graphics as far as fast paced action packed games. The Ps3, because of its 1080p capability it couses it to move slower to display all the pixels for video quality. But the PS3 and the xbox would have almost the same graphics on a non HDTV because they both are able to display 720p graphics. So if they both display 720p on a non HDTV they would be the same.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

I played forza motorsport 2 and grand turismo hd conecpt and i have to say ps3 graphics look better because they look alot smoother.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

Developers haven't even scratched the surface of the PS3. Just remember that the PS3 has only been out for 1 year, and it's going to take time for developers to take advantage of what the PS3 has to offer. Is Metal Gear Solid 4 going to look better than Heavenly Sword? Definitely.

Developers have pretty much done all that they can do with the 360, that's why you don't see much difference between the 360 games out now and the ones that came out late last year. Is Halo 3 better looking than Gears of War even though Halo 3 came out about 1 year after Gears of War? No.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

hey man its about the same it's just that people just have different opinion about the graphics to tell you the truth i'm a sony fan so i'm sticking with the ps3 but hey its really up to you it's your money!

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

now: xbox 360

spring 08: ps3

once the developers know the ps3 well enough, ps3 will have better graphics. just like when you get a new game and you have no idea how to play it, you play it for a while then you became great at it. just like that. ps3 has this thing that is capable for superior graphics. xbox just has a regular chip in it.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

simply put they r equal now but wont be in the years to come.ps3 will surpass 360 due to the blu ray disc.regular dvd holds 10gb and blu ray holds 50gb.they have a blu ray in development for 200gb.when the developers learn how to use the ps3 and get to use the 200gb discs the ps3 will look does have better parts inside after in time it will be ps3 and of course it supports hdtv' dont make a system successful do,and sony is getting better all the time.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?


Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

PS3 is $499 and the Xbox 360 Elite is $479. $20 dollar difference...

PS3 games produced are on Hd 50gig blueray (more space for better graphics without sacrificing game levels and game size..) GTA4 developers even stated that the game will have better graphics and gaming on the ps3 version and are having issues with the 360 version because of 8gig dvd game format... They may have to make the 360 version on multiple disc so if you like getting out of your chair alot while playing, .....

360-elite games produced on dual layered 8gig dvds

game developers are finding the 360 format to limiting and finding that they have to sacrifice game graphics or gaming levels and challenges...

Ps3 for the extra $20 you get a full HD entertainment system that also surfs the internet. You can goto any website and watch or download videos like YouTube...You can access your email and print it etcc...

Ps3 Blueray hd movie player that also upscales regular dvds movies to HD...It also upscales ps2 games to hd..

Ps3 comes with rechargeable controllers...

Ps3 comes with free online play and Wifi

All of the above the 360-elite can't do.

360 and elite -For hd movies you have to buy the hddvd player for $200. For

360 elite for quick charge kit you have to buy it for $20.

To play online the 360 charges $50 a year

360 elite no interent browser

Ps3 hdmi 1.3 (supports deep color)

360-elite- 1.2 doesn't support deepcolor 1.3

Ps3 Nvidia RSX GPU Graphics at least two years ahead of it's time. And programmers aren't even close to using it's full potential yet.

360-elite is hardware locked into outdated DX9 graphics-Game programmers are developoing for DX10 (full 4d and 3d motion realism)

THe ps3 8cell broadband processors. CPU-Designed specifically for highspeed calculations (Games Capable of more AI charactors )

Xbox 360 -Elite-- The New 65NM CHip....Isn't any different then what they used in the 360 core except it cost less to produce....

Ps3 you can buy any external usb harddrive and hook it up loaded with music videos , etc...You can buy any brand 2.5 ata harddrive and upgrade the harddrive size for ps3...

THe elite and 360 requires Microsoft harddrives only- for a 20gig it's $100, for the 120 it's $189

360 -elite for wifi you have to pay an additional $100 and online gaming is $50 a year...And for that $50 a year to play online you also get stuck with third party in menu advertising...

To use 60% of what the 360 and elite can do you have to buy the addons and you'll spend over $750 before you even insert a game.

THe elite and new 360s hdmi, 65nm, red ring of death--Microsoft has no Idea what the cause is, You can't fix what you can't find. So yes they are all vulnerable.

Get the ps3 you can use it for so much more. We own all three. THe wii, elite and ps3

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

The PS3 will never have better graphics than the XBOX 360 because it is impossible the hardware on the 360 is just to much for the PS3. Notice that when ever they talk about the PS3 having better graphics its always a cutscene they show they never show gameplay XBOX always show gameplay.

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