My mother board is from a HP 920a computer. It has been put in a new case because the power supply died in the old case. I now want to update the graphics card because right now it only has the on board graphics card. How do I know which one this motherboard will support? I only have PCI slots. I want to get one that will be able to handle such programs as SIMS 2. I also don't want to spend an arm and a leg because it is for my 6 1/2 year old.
How do I know which graphics card to get?
First of all make absolutely sure you don't have any AGP slot, because from the specs I looked up on that computer, you should have one, and AGP would be a much much better option.
If you are in fact stuck with PCI, I would sincerely recommend getting the X1300 from ATI. The SIMS 2 is not a graphics intensvie program, but it does take a decent amount of power to run, more than a lot of people think, so you really should get the X1300, which is the best available for PCI, although still what would be considered a budget card. Here is one with a rebate:
If you do in fact find out you have AGP, send me an email and I can find you something better, probably for around the same price.
How do I know which graphics card to get?
Most any graphics card that is PCI compatable will work. SIMS 2 is not THAT graphically-intensive... read the reviews on and choose something in your price range.
How do I know which graphics card to get?
No problem. You won't be playing the latest games on it, just make sure the system meets the other requirements of the Sims 2, and you will be rather limited in your choice of graphics cards but...
the nvidia FX5500 should get the job done at $56,
If you can find the 6200 in a PCI version I would pick that up, it's slightly better. I don't like ATi cards but they offer the X1300 in PCI form which will run you $100 and up, you may not want to spend quite that much.
Stay away from the Radeon 9250, it doesn't support DirectX 9 and stay away from any of the Geforce MX4000 series, they also do not support DirectX 9, I believe they top out at version 7. From what I could find it looks like the FX5500 will be your best bet, you can save a few bucks and go with the FX5200, if you want but the FX5500 is slightly faster.
How do I know which graphics card to get?
I for one cant understand why they would put your mobo in a new case if the power supply went bad! The number you gave is NOT a mobo number either! Its the model of the PC itself and due to the fact that they could have put different mobos in that particular model you need to do a little more research however, the nice guy that I am, I will give you an easy way to find out what exactly is in your system! Download a program called Belarc Advisor. Its clean of any malware and I have used it for years, run it and repost this info or contact me and I will tell you what you need..
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