Thursday, December 3, 2009

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

i bought a motherboard:

.... and was wondering what would be the best graphics card to get. Im not willing to spend that much but i am on ebay so could you give a list if possible???

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

The absolute best would be the 8800 Ultra

followed by the 8800 GTX Ultra

and just under that the 8800 GTX Black Pearl

then the 8800 GTX KO

and any further list would involve knowing your budget.

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

Any graphic cards that has a capacity of 128 MB and above.

No need to buy expensive ones the price doesn't matter as long as it can support 128.

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

PNY,ATI, Radeon makes good cards. Usually anything with 512 MB is good but dont buy some off brand.

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

look at the reviews there.. I don't use ATI , but Nvidia, I didn't look at the link, but I guess it's not SLI.. so forget them.

look at the reviews / prices.. since you don't say your budget..

also look at toms hardware guide for benchmarks.. me I have a 7600 gt which runs call of duty 4 nicely.. that has 256 mb

256 IS the minimum you should be looking for, do NOT buy any light versions of cards.. =)

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

i have in my pc an nvidia bfg 7950 gt oc 512mb graphics card had it playing cod uo online for a year now had no probs what so ever it is a very,very stable card!

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

With the motherboard you have you can only have Nvidia made PCI-e cards which also support SLI, where you can buy 2 of the exact same cards and link them together to get more power.

The motherboard you have is a good one and in my opinion (as a gamer and game programmer) Nvidia are the best graphic cards out.

All you need to do now is work out what you will be using the PC for.

If you are looking for the best games and graphics for 3d games then i would look at the top of the range Nvidia cards like the 8800GT.

or the lower 8800GT

also look at this card in the sale, great card.

If you are looking for some decent gaming then you cant go wrong with the lower 7600 range, great graphics just not the full power of the above.

you can find lower cards, the number of the model is lower. here are some low priced models.

Altough the cards are Nvidia they are made by differant companies, some good makes to look for are Asus, BFG and XFX.

hope that helps

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

hi mate

well done on choosing a excellent motherboard,the Gigabyte GA-N650SLI-DS4L motherboard uses some excellent specifications including sli graphic slots and a 1333 FSB (front side bus)

so you need to be looking for pci-express graphic cards and if possible make sure they a sli compatible,this is indicated by a extra connector on the top of the card were the sli bridge connector connects one card to the other

a good inexpensive sli card is the Asus Extreme 8500GT 256MB DDR2, PCI-E, DVI, HDTV Out,this is just 鎷?7.59 Inc VAT and is sli compatible and has some great specs including

Graphics Processor / VendorNVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT Core Clock Speed...459 MHz Video Memory Installed...256 MB Technology...DDR II Memory Clock Speed...

800 MHz

this is a great inexpensive way of getting sli graphics for less than 鎷?00

another good card is the XpertVision GeForce 8600 GT 256MB DDR2, PCI-E,this again is sli ready and only 鎷?0 more than the 8500gt,mainly due to its slightly better specs(Graphics Processor / VendorNVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT Core Clock Speed540 MHz Video Memory Installed256 MB TechnologyGDDR3 SDRAM Memory Clock Speed1.4 GHz )

finally for a more powerfull crad then the EVGA e-GeForce 8600 GTS 256MB SC Super Clocked PCI-E DVI Video Graphics Card is the card for you,at 鎷?27.49 Inc VAT this is more than you may want to spend but when you see its specs you can understand why,this is probally the most i would ever pay for a graphics card

this is a excellent gaming card and when you see its specs you will see why(Graphics Processor / VendorNVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS Core Clock Speed720 MHz RAMDAC Clock Speed400 MHz Video Memory Installed256 MB TechnologyGDDR3 SDRAM 128-bit Memory Clock Speed2.1 GHz )

a core clock speed of 720mhz is very fast and combined with a 128bit memory bus running at 2,1ghz this equates to a amazingly fast card

other cards better than this are far too expensive(around 鎷?00 to 鎷?00) and this is probally way too expensive for you

any problems let me know

good luck and happy new year mate !

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