Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Some what cheap graphics card?

From what i heard my computer is decent , And i was going to upgrade my card , to and nvidia 7600gs , i believe it was.. Is that good?

From what I Heard Nvidia is much better than ATI.

The most im willing to spend would be about 140$

Current games I Play are about PlanetSide.

And i might try out Star Wars Galaxies , And warrock

Will I Be able to play those games on MAX settings with no lag or barely any at all with a graphics card in the 100-140$ price range?

Some what cheap graphics card?

It depends on the game. The 7600GS is a mid-range video card and should play all games. At max settings though, not likely. You would want the 7900 or higher.. or the ATI equivilent

Some what cheap graphics card?

Check newegg.com and sort by price and find the one with the best reviews

Some what cheap graphics card?

Nvidia is definitely better than ATI. If you have the ability to purchase a refurbished one, I would go that route. Fry's Electronics (if you have on in your area) has them for virtually nothing. Also, try googling refurbished computer hardware. I did it with several key pieces in my computer and have had no problems.

Some what cheap graphics card?

Nvidia is no better than ATI, this is all a matter of opinion. You should get the card that has the best performance at the price you are looking at. A $100-$140 card will play those games at high settings, but probably not max settings. As for a specific card, you did not specify PCI Express or AGP, so I can't give you a specific one, the 7600GS is good, although if I knew which interface I could probably recommend something better. Email me with that info and I can be of more assistance.

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