Monday, November 30, 2009

Intel(r) 82815 graphics controller?

I need the newest driver for intel(r) 82815 graphics controller,

please someone help me!

Intel(r) 82815 graphics controller?

Head to and look for 815 Chipset graphics drivers./

Intel(r) 82815 graphics controller?

i rly hate wen ppl post and want other ppl to find sumthing they could easily find themselves.

But here u go neways:

Intel(r) 82815 graphics controller?

Try your luck.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

Does a ps3 have better graphics then a 360 if the ps3 does not have hdtv?

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

In order to compare them - look at PS3 exclusives and 360 exclusives. PS3 is much better.

Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

Almost a third of XBOX 360 are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%.

Let's compare them

PS3 has 7+1 kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3x2

PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual DVD (9.5 gb).

Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in card reader (except 20 gb version), ability to use printer and so on.

Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

Graphics are stronger in PS3, due to RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. To estimate its power (roughly) - take 8600 Ultra nvidia graphics card, multiply it by 2 - get a result, still PS3 stronger, because 8600 Ultra runs on 400 Mhz and RSX runs on 550 Mhz.

PS3 has a chip from AGEIA company. It does to physics of the game same thing GPU (videocard processor) does to graphics. This card is on sale for PC. The price is around 350$.

Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 8 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it.

Besides all of this, I've seen disassembled Xbox 360 - regular PC architecture - Billy Gates is an uninventive nerd (as usual).

When I saw disassembled PS3 - it was a surprise - smart architecture, good cooling (don't buy external PS3 coolers - they make everything worse - original system is good), etc.

In 2008 we'll get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4 and other great exclusives. Here is the great link to the future PS3 releases.

PS3 online world will be free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

In some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console.

Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years.

I didn't mention Wii, because it's so weak, no point to talk about it.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

The 360 is far far smoother and faster i used to be a ps3 fan and own both it looks like 360 is better but im running it through HDTV and plasma and i see the 360 is better

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?


Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

360 has it better bcuz its been around longer

and game producer makers had more time to work on the 360 system making the games look shinier

and we all know in this world that shinier is better

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

there both about the same, but if you have the visual as well as the audio componets the ps3 blows the 360 out of the water but u need the equipment to back it up to notice a difference

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

I think the PS3 looks a little better than the 360 without an HDTV.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

both those guys are wrong. the only way to tell which one has better games is with first party exclusives. games made for both systems are going to look about the same because they program it for one and port it to the other. in this case, the 360 sometimes look better because developers find it easier to develope it on the 360 and the port it to the ps3. but look at the first party sony games. they look way better than first party 360 games. therefor, the ps3 has not only more potential, but it has the better graphics.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

I believe the PS3 does support hdtvs, but in some cases the framerate is better on the 360. For example: Madden 08 runs at 30 FPS on a PS3, while the same game on a 360 runs at 60 FPS. So, it heavily depends on what game you plan on purchasing for either system. One of the upsides of the PS3, however, is that you can use it as a home computer that runs Linux. The downsides of this is that there are only a handful of programs for Linux-based systems, and the PS3 is still fairly expensive. I hope that helps.

Good luck!

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

The Xbox would have the better, smoother graphics as far as fast paced action packed games. The Ps3, because of its 1080p capability it couses it to move slower to display all the pixels for video quality. But the PS3 and the xbox would have almost the same graphics on a non HDTV because they both are able to display 720p graphics. So if they both display 720p on a non HDTV they would be the same.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

I played forza motorsport 2 and grand turismo hd conecpt and i have to say ps3 graphics look better because they look alot smoother.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

Developers haven't even scratched the surface of the PS3. Just remember that the PS3 has only been out for 1 year, and it's going to take time for developers to take advantage of what the PS3 has to offer. Is Metal Gear Solid 4 going to look better than Heavenly Sword? Definitely.

Developers have pretty much done all that they can do with the 360, that's why you don't see much difference between the 360 games out now and the ones that came out late last year. Is Halo 3 better looking than Gears of War even though Halo 3 came out about 1 year after Gears of War? No.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

hey man its about the same it's just that people just have different opinion about the graphics to tell you the truth i'm a sony fan so i'm sticking with the ps3 but hey its really up to you it's your money!

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

now: xbox 360

spring 08: ps3

once the developers know the ps3 well enough, ps3 will have better graphics. just like when you get a new game and you have no idea how to play it, you play it for a while then you became great at it. just like that. ps3 has this thing that is capable for superior graphics. xbox just has a regular chip in it.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

simply put they r equal now but wont be in the years to come.ps3 will surpass 360 due to the blu ray disc.regular dvd holds 10gb and blu ray holds 50gb.they have a blu ray in development for 200gb.when the developers learn how to use the ps3 and get to use the 200gb discs the ps3 will look does have better parts inside after in time it will be ps3 and of course it supports hdtv' dont make a system successful do,and sony is getting better all the time.

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?


Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

PS3 is $499 and the Xbox 360 Elite is $479. $20 dollar difference...

PS3 games produced are on Hd 50gig blueray (more space for better graphics without sacrificing game levels and game size..) GTA4 developers even stated that the game will have better graphics and gaming on the ps3 version and are having issues with the 360 version because of 8gig dvd game format... They may have to make the 360 version on multiple disc so if you like getting out of your chair alot while playing, .....

360-elite games produced on dual layered 8gig dvds

game developers are finding the 360 format to limiting and finding that they have to sacrifice game graphics or gaming levels and challenges...

Ps3 for the extra $20 you get a full HD entertainment system that also surfs the internet. You can goto any website and watch or download videos like YouTube...You can access your email and print it etcc...

Ps3 Blueray hd movie player that also upscales regular dvds movies to HD...It also upscales ps2 games to hd..

Ps3 comes with rechargeable controllers...

Ps3 comes with free online play and Wifi

All of the above the 360-elite can't do.

360 and elite -For hd movies you have to buy the hddvd player for $200. For

360 elite for quick charge kit you have to buy it for $20.

To play online the 360 charges $50 a year

360 elite no interent browser

Ps3 hdmi 1.3 (supports deep color)

360-elite- 1.2 doesn't support deepcolor 1.3

Ps3 Nvidia RSX GPU Graphics at least two years ahead of it's time. And programmers aren't even close to using it's full potential yet.

360-elite is hardware locked into outdated DX9 graphics-Game programmers are developoing for DX10 (full 4d and 3d motion realism)

THe ps3 8cell broadband processors. CPU-Designed specifically for highspeed calculations (Games Capable of more AI charactors )

Xbox 360 -Elite-- The New 65NM CHip....Isn't any different then what they used in the 360 core except it cost less to produce....

Ps3 you can buy any external usb harddrive and hook it up loaded with music videos , etc...You can buy any brand 2.5 ata harddrive and upgrade the harddrive size for ps3...

THe elite and 360 requires Microsoft harddrives only- for a 20gig it's $100, for the 120 it's $189

360 -elite for wifi you have to pay an additional $100 and online gaming is $50 a year...And for that $50 a year to play online you also get stuck with third party in menu advertising...

To use 60% of what the 360 and elite can do you have to buy the addons and you'll spend over $750 before you even insert a game.

THe elite and new 360s hdmi, 65nm, red ring of death--Microsoft has no Idea what the cause is, You can't fix what you can't find. So yes they are all vulnerable.

Get the ps3 you can use it for so much more. We own all three. THe wii, elite and ps3

Ps3 vs. 360 graphics?

The PS3 will never have better graphics than the XBOX 360 because it is impossible the hardware on the 360 is just to much for the PS3. Notice that when ever they talk about the PS3 having better graphics its always a cutscene they show they never show gameplay XBOX always show gameplay.

When I receive Yahoo mail with graphics or pictures, why can't I forward the graphics?

Recipient gets the email message, but no graphics or pictures. I'm using internet Explorer 7.0 beta.

When I receive Yahoo mail with graphics or pictures, why can't I forward the graphics?

You might be forwarding the message as "inline text", when you click the forward button, choose the option "forward as attachment"

When I receive Yahoo mail with graphics or pictures, why can't I forward the graphics?

You can save your pictures to your desktop and then put it in My Documents on your desktop by holding your left mouse key down while you slide up into the My Documents folder then you can E Mail it to whoever you want it to go to.

When I receive Yahoo mail with graphics or pictures, why can't I forward the graphics?

Forward the message as attachment rather than as inline text.

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

i bought a motherboard:

.... and was wondering what would be the best graphics card to get. Im not willing to spend that much but i am on ebay so could you give a list if possible???

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

The absolute best would be the 8800 Ultra

followed by the 8800 GTX Ultra

and just under that the 8800 GTX Black Pearl

then the 8800 GTX KO

and any further list would involve knowing your budget.

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

Any graphic cards that has a capacity of 128 MB and above.

No need to buy expensive ones the price doesn't matter as long as it can support 128.

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

PNY,ATI, Radeon makes good cards. Usually anything with 512 MB is good but dont buy some off brand.

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

look at the reviews there.. I don't use ATI , but Nvidia, I didn't look at the link, but I guess it's not SLI.. so forget them.

look at the reviews / prices.. since you don't say your budget..

also look at toms hardware guide for benchmarks.. me I have a 7600 gt which runs call of duty 4 nicely.. that has 256 mb

256 IS the minimum you should be looking for, do NOT buy any light versions of cards.. =)

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

i have in my pc an nvidia bfg 7950 gt oc 512mb graphics card had it playing cod uo online for a year now had no probs what so ever it is a very,very stable card!

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

With the motherboard you have you can only have Nvidia made PCI-e cards which also support SLI, where you can buy 2 of the exact same cards and link them together to get more power.

The motherboard you have is a good one and in my opinion (as a gamer and game programmer) Nvidia are the best graphic cards out.

All you need to do now is work out what you will be using the PC for.

If you are looking for the best games and graphics for 3d games then i would look at the top of the range Nvidia cards like the 8800GT.

or the lower 8800GT

also look at this card in the sale, great card.

If you are looking for some decent gaming then you cant go wrong with the lower 7600 range, great graphics just not the full power of the above.

you can find lower cards, the number of the model is lower. here are some low priced models.

Altough the cards are Nvidia they are made by differant companies, some good makes to look for are Asus, BFG and XFX.

hope that helps

Whats the best graphics cards you can buy??

hi mate

well done on choosing a excellent motherboard,the Gigabyte GA-N650SLI-DS4L motherboard uses some excellent specifications including sli graphic slots and a 1333 FSB (front side bus)

so you need to be looking for pci-express graphic cards and if possible make sure they a sli compatible,this is indicated by a extra connector on the top of the card were the sli bridge connector connects one card to the other

a good inexpensive sli card is the Asus Extreme 8500GT 256MB DDR2, PCI-E, DVI, HDTV Out,this is just 鎷?7.59 Inc VAT and is sli compatible and has some great specs including

Graphics Processor / VendorNVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT Core Clock Speed...459 MHz Video Memory Installed...256 MB Technology...DDR II Memory Clock Speed...

800 MHz

this is a great inexpensive way of getting sli graphics for less than 鎷?00

another good card is the XpertVision GeForce 8600 GT 256MB DDR2, PCI-E,this again is sli ready and only 鎷?0 more than the 8500gt,mainly due to its slightly better specs(Graphics Processor / VendorNVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT Core Clock Speed540 MHz Video Memory Installed256 MB TechnologyGDDR3 SDRAM Memory Clock Speed1.4 GHz )

finally for a more powerfull crad then the EVGA e-GeForce 8600 GTS 256MB SC Super Clocked PCI-E DVI Video Graphics Card is the card for you,at 鎷?27.49 Inc VAT this is more than you may want to spend but when you see its specs you can understand why,this is probally the most i would ever pay for a graphics card

this is a excellent gaming card and when you see its specs you will see why(Graphics Processor / VendorNVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS Core Clock Speed720 MHz RAMDAC Clock Speed400 MHz Video Memory Installed256 MB TechnologyGDDR3 SDRAM 128-bit Memory Clock Speed2.1 GHz )

a core clock speed of 720mhz is very fast and combined with a 128bit memory bus running at 2,1ghz this equates to a amazingly fast card

other cards better than this are far too expensive(around 鎷?00 to 鎷?00) and this is probally way too expensive for you

any problems let me know

good luck and happy new year mate !

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

What card would the Xbox 360 graphics be???

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

An avergae GFX in todays market is above the 360 spec, however because the 360 only runs games %26amp; on your machine you will have Windows %26amp; the Game running it doesnt always convert right over, but any decent current range GFX will be above the 360 in terms of power, speed and FXs.

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

A comparison is impossible because the 360s graphics card is tailor-made for the system. It's made by ATI.

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

256 mb

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

What card would the Xbox 360 graphics be???

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

An avergae GFX in todays market is above the 360 spec, however because the 360 only runs games %26amp; on your machine you will have Windows %26amp; the Game running it doesnt always convert right over, but any decent current range GFX will be above the 360 in terms of power, speed and FXs.

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

A comparison is impossible because the 360s graphics card is tailor-made for the system. It's made by ATI.

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

256 mb

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

I have a Sony VAIO PCV-RX860 and it has 32mb of Video Memory preinstalled on the motherboard. I was wondering if by upgrading this card by adding a new 256mb or 512mb through AGP will it increase PC performance? I mean speed not graphics wise.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

YES, it will increase the speed at which your PC operates.

This is due to the face that your PC is already processing the graphics but it is doing it onboard. If you add a dedicated video card, it will have it's own RAM that is used ONLY for video purposes. Right now your PC is using the 32mb on the mobo, AND some of your system RAM, thus slowing it down exponentially.

By adding a dedicated video card, you leave system memory available for the system to use, and you take all graphics processes off the CPU and leave them for the graphics processor to do itself. This enables the computer to: let the CPU do its job of actually just doing the mathematical processes it is designed to, and let the system RAM do its job of not having to cache video images in its banks.

Do it; it WILL increase system speed.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

You'll simply be gaining the 32 MB that was originally set aside for the graphics. Don't expect to gain a lot of speed...what you do gain, probably won't be noticeable to you. It's only 32 MB... Report It

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

Yes; more RAM will definitely increase the PC performance and speed because the computer will have more memory to access, allowing it to smoothly run applications.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

The only thing that will increase by installing a new video card is the actual graphics, NOT the PC's speed. Video memory and PC memory (RAM) are not the same thing. To increase your comp's speed you'd need to add more memory. (RAM) However, I visited Sony's website and looked at the specifications for your model, and it appears that it should already be maxed out on RAM. To gain a little more speed, make sure you remove all un-necessary programs, delete your temporary Internet files frequently, and defragment your hard drive on a regular schedule. Doing these things should help you some. If you have any questions, or if I can be of any more assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Rachel The Computer Tutor


Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

Upgrading your video card would be a benefit. The CPU is the workhorse of your computer. Adding a video card with more memory will help. Also adding more RAM, up to 1.5GB will increase performance. Upgrading your CPU to a P4 3.0GHz would also be nice. A disk cleaning and disabling programs would increase performance.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

The graphics card will only improve 3D performance and NOT system performance. The onboard videoRAM of the graphics card does not add to system RAM.

Adding a graphics card frees up the 32Mb of system RAM that was previously being allocated to integrated graphics.

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

What card would the Xbox 360 graphics be???

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

An avergae GFX in todays market is above the 360 spec, however because the 360 only runs games %26amp; on your machine you will have Windows %26amp; the Game running it doesnt always convert right over, but any decent current range GFX will be above the 360 in terms of power, speed and FXs.

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

A comparison is impossible because the 360s graphics card is tailor-made for the system. It's made by ATI.

Xbox 360 Graphics compared to a Video Card?

256 mb

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

I have a Sony VAIO PCV-RX860 and it has 32mb of Video Memory preinstalled on the motherboard. I was wondering if by upgrading this card by adding a new 256mb or 512mb through AGP will it increase PC performance? I mean speed not graphics wise.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

YES, it will increase the speed at which your PC operates.

This is due to the face that your PC is already processing the graphics but it is doing it onboard. If you add a dedicated video card, it will have it's own RAM that is used ONLY for video purposes. Right now your PC is using the 32mb on the mobo, AND some of your system RAM, thus slowing it down exponentially.

By adding a dedicated video card, you leave system memory available for the system to use, and you take all graphics processes off the CPU and leave them for the graphics processor to do itself. This enables the computer to: let the CPU do its job of actually just doing the mathematical processes it is designed to, and let the system RAM do its job of not having to cache video images in its banks.

Do it; it WILL increase system speed.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

You'll simply be gaining the 32 MB that was originally set aside for the graphics. Don't expect to gain a lot of speed...what you do gain, probably won't be noticeable to you. It's only 32 MB... Report It

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

Yes; more RAM will definitely increase the PC performance and speed because the computer will have more memory to access, allowing it to smoothly run applications.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

The only thing that will increase by installing a new video card is the actual graphics, NOT the PC's speed. Video memory and PC memory (RAM) are not the same thing. To increase your comp's speed you'd need to add more memory. (RAM) However, I visited Sony's website and looked at the specifications for your model, and it appears that it should already be maxed out on RAM. To gain a little more speed, make sure you remove all un-necessary programs, delete your temporary Internet files frequently, and defragment your hard drive on a regular schedule. Doing these things should help you some. If you have any questions, or if I can be of any more assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Rachel The Computer Tutor


Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

Upgrading your video card would be a benefit. The CPU is the workhorse of your computer. Adding a video card with more memory will help. Also adding more RAM, up to 1.5GB will increase performance. Upgrading your CPU to a P4 3.0GHz would also be nice. A disk cleaning and disabling programs would increase performance.

Will a graphics card improve PC Peformance?

The graphics card will only improve 3D performance and NOT system performance. The onboard videoRAM of the graphics card does not add to system RAM.

Adding a graphics card frees up the 32Mb of system RAM that was previously being allocated to integrated graphics.

Gaming experts help please: Which graphics card listed below is the best?

Hi there i am going to University and need a laptop. I am a very keen gamer and have narrowed down a few laptops which are fairly equal expect all have different graphics cards. Which will give me the best performance now and in the future:

NVIDIA庐 GeForce鈩?8700M GT supporting TurboCache鈩?technology 512 MB

512MB DDR3 nVidia庐 GeForce鈩?Go 7950 GTX

NVIDIA庐 GeForce鈩?8600M

NVidia GeForce Go7600SE

Those are the ones for now and i hear good things about different ones so i genuinly have no idea which will give me the best performance. I am considering all the prices equal and the ram on each machine to be 2gb. So with everything equal i would like to make my choice based on the best graphics card both now and in the future! So please give me some good advice!!

Much appreciated, thanks.

Gaming experts help please: Which graphics card listed below is the best?

The 7950 GTX is the best choice is you want extremelly good performance. The only problem is that it won't handle DirectX 10 games, so it will be obsolete in about two years.

The 8700M GT is still pretty good, but it's not even close to the 7950 GTX. It will be a good choice if you do not plan to buy a laptop with a native resolution of more than 1400x900, but anything under that, and games will run really smooth on mid-high settings.

The 8600M GT is also pretty good, but not good enough for a hardcore gamer. This is the card I have, and can play Battlefield 2 at 80fps with some settings on mid, but others, like terrain, I have to leave on low if I want to play at a good resolution.

The 7600SE stay away from.

Gaming experts help please: Which graphics card listed below is the best?

NVIDIA庐 GeForce鈩?8700M GT supporting TurboCache鈩?technology 512 MB

Gaming experts help please: Which graphics card listed below is the best?

Hello to you. Out of all the ones you have listed it is very difficult to choose just one. If you are running Direct x9 games I would choose the Go 7950 GTX. For the future Direct x10 I would personally choose the 8700M GT.

These two choices would be upper end graphics for your money in my opinion. The other cards listed are good choices also, but are considered a little bit lower frame rate and graphic quality for gaming.

Gaming experts help please: Which graphics card listed below is the best?

Go for the 8700GT. It's direct x 10. You'll be able to run better effects in upcomming games.

Although currently a bit faster the 7 series is a dying generation.

This link would answer all your questions and more.

I was just wondering which graphics card is best?

i was just buyin a new graphics card and i dont know which to get out of these 2

Gigabyte (GV-NX86T512H) 8600GT PCI-E GRAPHICS CARD *512MB RAM - $236


"Leadtek" PX8600GTS 256MB (With lost planet game)- $347

do u know what one is better??



I was just wondering which graphics card is best?

the 8600 GTS is far better even though it has less ram.


the cpu and memory are clocked higher.

I was just wondering which graphics card is best?

Gigabyte (GV-NX86T512H) 8600GT PCI-E GRAPHICS CARD *512MB RAM - $236

What is the best GeForce GS graphics card-- 8400 GS, 6800 GS, 7600 GS?

My guess is that the 8400 card is the best due to the higher model number (I know, it's obvious), but it can't hurt to be sure. I want to upgrade my computer from integrated graphics (completely useless!) to a decent graphics card that's not too expensive and won't overload my computer but suitable for casual gaming.

What is the best GeForce GS graphics card-- 8400 GS, 6800 GS, 7600 GS?

Well actually not... In looking at Nvidia cards, there are 3 things to look at:

1) The series number in thousands (6000, 7000, 8000)

2) The model number within that series (100, 600, 900 etc)

3) The letter codes (LE, GT, GS etc)

The higher numbered series are newer, so a 7300GT is newer than a 6600GT; the 8400 is newer than the 7900 and so on.

BUT... it's the model number which tells you whether a card is low-end, midrange or high-end. Low model numbers from 100-400 are slow, low-end cards. The 600 series cards are midrange and the 800-900 are high-end.

Finally, the letters finish the description:

LE = cheapest, slowest version available (avoid these)

GS = budget version, slightly scaled down or lower clockspeed

GT or GTS = full-featured version

GTX = best version, fastest available

So within the same series, GT cards are better than GS, and GS cards are better than LE.

A Geforce 7900GT is a high-performance card, while the Geforce 8600GT is midrange, and the Geforce 8400GS is low-end. A Geforce 6100LE is worst version of the lowest model of the old series 6.

In your case, the 6800 is the fastest (high-end model from an older series), while the 7600 is 2nd (midrange of a newer series). The 8400 is a cheap, slow newer card. It has hardware support for DirectX 10, but its memory bandwidth is so poor, that doesn't matter... See the link below for a direct comparison of the 7600GS and 6800GS.

Generally speaking, always go with a 600 card or higher (i.e. 6600, 7600, 8600). That way, you'll always be looking at a decent performer within the current lineup.

I recommend a 7600GT if you're not sure about your power supply. That card doesn't even require a dedicated PCI-E power connector. Otherwise, spend another 20 bucks and get the 8600GT. Both can handle casual gaming well.

Neither is a hardcore high-performance card like the 7950 or 8800, but cards like that aren't in your desired price range anyway.

Here's the latest breakdown of "best buys" for gaming cards in all price ranges.

What is the best GeForce GS graphics card-- 8400 GS, 6800 GS, 7600 GS?

It all depends on one thing, your power supply, if you have a good power supply then upgrading to a higher card like the 7600 GS should be a snap, the higher the card the more power it will eat up. 8400 GS is nice, but if you don't have the power supply to run it, it won't work.

Anything below 400watts will probably not work with the ones you listed above.

What is the best GeForce GS graphics card-- 8400 GS, 6800 GS, 7600 GS?

Even since NVIDIA launched their GeForce 8800 GTX graphics card, everyone has been waiting for them to release cheaper versions of that card. Just over six months after that momentous launch, NVIDIA finally reveals their mid-range GeForce 8600 GTS.

Based on the newer and smaller G84 GPU with 32 stream processors running at 1.45GHz and 8 ROPs, the GeForce 8600 GTS comes with 256MB of GDDR3 RAM running at 2GHz DDR. This gives it a texture fill rate of 10,800 megatexels/s and a memory bandwidth of 32GB/s. That's 61% more fill rate and 43% more memory bandwidth than the GeForce 7600 GT. Not bad for a mid-range card.

That performance advantage was confirmed in the tests we ran in Windows Vista. The Sparkle GeForce 8600 GTS was about 20% faster than the NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT. It compared favourably against the GeForce 7950 GT in several aspects, but it was generally between the GeForce 7950 GT and the GeForce 7600 GT in performance.

However, its DirectX 10 performance is absymal. Yes, it can run DirectX 10 applications, but you have to ask yourself, "Do you want to play games, or watch slideshows?" Although we were quite happy with its DirectX 9 performance, it is simply too weak to provide usable support for DirectX 10. As more GPU-intensive DirectX 10 games come along, the DirectX 10 support of this card will become even more irrelevant.

For those who are interested in HD DVD decoding, you will also be happy to know that the GeForce 8600 GTS comes with a new video processor (VP2) that allows the CPU to completely offload the processing of H.264 content to the GeForce 8600 GTS. This means much lower CPU utilization than even the GeForce 8800 GTX, whose VP1 processor can only do motion compensation and deblocking.

No, you are somebody my friend.


What is the best GeForce GS graphics card-- 8400 GS, 6800 GS, 7600 GS?

First you should check how much they power they require and how much your power supply has.

Second, 6800 GS is the fastest (family numbers aren't everything theres other stuff to it!) To be sure check the link below and if your card is an AGP slot or a PCI-E slot.

What is the best GeForce GS graphics card-- 8400 GS, 6800 GS, 7600 GS?

6800GS - old tech but FASTEST of the three. It uses 256bit interface, thus has the highest memory banwidth. Draws more than 50 watts.

7600GS - Uses 128 bit interface and has less shaders than 6800GS. Draws about 27 watts.

8400GS - New tech, DX 10, supports Shader Model 4.0 but only 64bit interface. Draws less than 40 watts.

Best bang for the buck would be a factory overclocked 8600GT. It draws less than 40 watts.

What is the best GeForce GS graphics card-- 8400 GS, 6800 GS, 7600 GS?

Check power requirements first, if your current power supply can handle additional load for the card. I don't know for sure that changing the card will increase the graphics since your placing the card on an integrated system, and if you have speed from your processor to accomplish what your trying to do.

Pixilated-like graphics and images on new PC?

Got new PC about a week ago. Ever since I've had it all of the graphics and images appear 'pixilated' and blurry. Like theres something wrong with the Display Driver or something.

I'd like some help as how to fix this - it really makes the PC experience, especially the internet, pretty lame.

*** Please do NOT reply with 'take it back' or anything like that. I cannot take it back, the online supplier dropped my warranty beacuse I took the case off to install a modem. ***

PC info:

Windows XP Home Edition S P 2

2.00 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core

BIOS: Phoenix Technologies LTD 6.00 PG

161.00 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space


Hitachi HDS721616PLA380 Hard drive (164.69 GB)

ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series Display adapter

HP mx705 Monitor 15.7

Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller

Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller 2x

ATI Desktop Component Ver

ATI External Event Utility for WindowsNT, Windows9X Version 5.13.0024

Pixilated-like graphics and images on new PC?

there's a few things you can check out.

first, right click a blank spot on your desktop%26gt;go to properties%26gt;go to settings. you can try to mess with the screen resolution and quality, but more than likely, if you click advanced, then choose the monitor tab, change the screen refresh rate... it'll give you a preview of what it will look like before you save the changes. if that doesn't help, then you can try updating the drivers for your monitor. start%26gt;control panel%26gt; system%26gt; device manager%26gt; find your monitor and update driver

A level graphics help???

i need some help with my graphics coursework

i have to produce three pieces of work in the style of antonio gaudi, giuseppe arcimbolodo and gunther von hagen

i am really stuck on thinking of original and creative ideas

please help

A level graphics help???

I don't think 'original' is the idea. Just pick a subject (I would suggest a house or face) and make 3 versions of it in their styles.

One in mosaic, one in fruit and vegetables and one in er... flesh.

Battlefield 2 graphics card help?

hi, i want to buy battlefield 2 because my friends are playing it. i was wondering if i could play without lag.

here are my system specs:

graphics card: abit x800 guru

processor: pentium 4 1.5ghz

ram: 512

thanks for any help

Battlefield 2 graphics card help?

U can Play it, But I can say that you will have some lag on this...

Your CPU is under the Requirements and The Video Card might be able to handle this,,,but might have to lower the resolution...

System Memory is dead even,,,,,but more would be a better upgrade for the future(1gb or 2gb)

Might be stuck playing Local or on 16 player maps for awhile, until you can upgrade some stuff..

Recommend upgrading

1. CPU

2. Memory

3. Video Card (6,7,8 series preferably with 512mb+ Memory on it)

Don't get frustrated,,,,U can still play it just might have to get used to the lag.. I once had a GeforceFX 5200 and 5500 that still could play it...

See you on the Battlefield Soldier!!!

Screen Name Minion77

BF2 System Requirments::::::::

No color graphics on compose e-m?

Connect yahoo from aol. Option (general preferences) is o. k. on color graphics. Also, bcc %26amp; cc is field ,not link, with both horizontal to each other. General preferences ends with "warning". No "Auto Complete" or "bcc %26amp; cc" default listed. Connecting through browser is O. K., but not though aol.

No color graphics on compose e-m?

Use IE7 or Firefox.

Can an Intel GMA 900 graphics card work WELL when playing Medieval 2: Total War?

ok i am in the process of buying a new computer (mac mini) and also in the process of purchasing Medieval 2: Total War... and the mac has a Intel GMA 900 graphics card in it... and i wasnt sure, since that is a BIG game, especially when there are a HUGE amount of people on the battlefield, that it would work well with that graphics card... so i thought I would come here and ask, so if anyone can help, that would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Can an Intel GMA 900 graphics card work WELL when playing Medieval 2: Total War?

No it won't run it. Minimum is a decent 128mb graphics card.

I don't think it'll run on a mac either. 0_o

What video graphics card does C&C3: Tiberium Wars require?

My computer's graphics card is 830Mb. Will that support whatever is needed to play Tiberium Wars?

What video graphics card does C%26amp;C3: Tiberium Wars require?

You didn't say what card you have but with that much video ram it should work ok. I run 2 geforce 7600 gt oc cards with 256 meg each and I can run everything just fine.

What video graphics card does C&C3: Tiberium Wars require?

My computer's graphics card is 830Mb. Will that support whatever is needed to play Tiberium Wars?

What video graphics card does C%26amp;C3: Tiberium Wars require?

You didn't say what card you have but with that much video ram it should work ok. I run 2 geforce 7600 gt oc cards with 256 meg each and I can run everything just fine.

Where can I find myspace graphics that support a cause; such as anti-racism, animal rights, equality

I have found plenty of graphics for gay rights and breast cancer. Anyone know of a site with graphics in support of other causes?

Where can I find myspace graphics that support a cause; such as anti-racism, animal rights, equality, etc.?

Im thinking thats really going to be really hard to find something that specific. What you could do is find some images you like and edit your profile background with the pictures that you found for that specific page that you wanna make. Use layouts of animals that you like and change colors and stuff around to your liking. Here are some great animal layouts.

Im sure you can find a lot more that you might like. Im not sure what your taste is.


There really isnt much out there =( That I can find

Where can I find myspace graphics that support a cause; such as anti-racism, animal rights, equality, etc.?

google, find lots of results.

Pride Layouts & Graphics?

Where can I find pride myspace stuff.... esp layouts or graphics?

Pride Layouts %26amp; Graphics?

Here's one source:

Pride Layouts %26amp; Graphics?

Here are some Pride Contact Tables

Why do graphics and pics not get forwarded in yahoo email?

When I forward email I got with pics or graphics, the pics etc. are not included. These are not attachments but pics in the body of the message. Anyone help?

Why do graphics and pics not get forwarded in yahoo email?

Try Yahoo! Photo Mail. I have it and it works for me.

Why do graphics and pics not get forwarded in yahoo email?

Wilford Brimley: Hi. I'm Wilford Brimley and I have Diabetes. It hurts me to pee and it causes me to be short with my family. I can't sleep at night. The other day I stubbed my toe and I took it out on the dog. And two weeks ago I ran out of vanilla ice cream and struck my wife. Then I find out my wife's been dead for six years. Who the hell did I hit?!

Why do graphics and pics not get forwarded in yahoo email?

they do sometimes but if they have viruses and you have programs to block virus is then the graphics would be blocked

Why do my pc graphics suddenly suck?

my graphics were awesome for about a year now, but suddently they suck! for example im watching a trailer onyahoo movies and the graphs suck. any one help me please?

Why do my pc graphics suddenly suck?

You probably need to update your video card. Technology has changed alot in a year. Try playing a game or a video you watched when it was working good and see if it still looks good. If so chances are your video card needs to be upgraded. Fairly cheap and easy to do.

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

Is there anyway to buy a laptop from the store, open it up and install a 3D graphics card? If someone could give me a link to the website that would be better. Thanks

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

Only some notebooks will take an add-on graphics is a detailed article...

Laptop graphics cards from Nvidia...

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

I bet you would have to have one made from a computer service store.

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

There are several things you can do

if you want an internal one check out the link I gave you

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

Most cards sold in the stores are for desktop computers.

I replaced the 16 mb card on my notebook with a 32 mb card. The card I bought was from an ebay vendor that said it was compatible with my make/model computer, which I verified through the manufacturer's site, where I also I got the instructions to replace the card.

It took 10 minutes, once I got the card in the mail.

Search ebay for cards for your comp. Caveat emptor, though. Check out the vendor first.

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

It really depends on what laptop you are using.

From my experience you shouldn't really do it yourself, since the wires inside a laptop are really that fine, and the video card of the laptop is that far deep inside the system.

Nhl 08 graphics suck?

i have nhl 08 for ps3 and for some reason the graphics are pretty bad, and i have a hd tv. Whats wrong with it?

Nhl 08 graphics suck?

because u have a ps3...get the xbox 360...but here check this check if your HD plugs connceted to your tv are in, if they aree in good, take them out and put them back in...

Where can I find myspace graphics that support a cause; such as anti-racism, animal rights, equality

I have found plenty of graphics for gay rights and breast cancer. Anyone know of a site with graphics in support of other causes?

Where can I find myspace graphics that support a cause; such as anti-racism, animal rights, equality, etc.?

Im thinking thats really going to be really hard to find something that specific. What you could do is find some images you like and edit your profile background with the pictures that you found for that specific page that you wanna make. Use layouts of animals that you like and change colors and stuff around to your liking. Here are some great animal layouts.

Im sure you can find a lot more that you might like. Im not sure what your taste is.


There really isnt much out there =( That I can find

Where can I find myspace graphics that support a cause; such as anti-racism, animal rights, equality, etc.?

google, find lots of results.

San andreas graphics...cloudy and grainy?

when i play gta: sa, the graphics are really weird and messed up, sort of cartoonish. my gfx card is geforce 8800 gts ssc, so tht cant be the problem rite? what is?

thx in advance

San andreas graphics...cloudy and grainy?

Hmm, well San Andreas can have the effect of blurryness in sunlight and with the heat of a California city. Also when your going really fast it will blur the screen to mimic the effect of tunnel vision.

If anything you should go to the options screen and set everything to optimal system settings, that should help the game determine how detailed characters and graphics should be

How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?

The graphics says 64MB max but in the BIOS it says 1mb and 8 mb only for the onboard graphics. How do I get it to 64 or even 32

How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?

Graphics memory is in the memory card, while your BIOS configures your motherboard. Unless you are using native video that plays right off the motherboard don't worry about it. If you are using video built into the motherboard and want to crank it up, it's time to upgrade...

How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?


How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?

Ok, according to your specifications sheet for the 743C, you have 512mgs of system memory and the motherboard can support upto a maximum of 1gig total divided across 2 slots. Onboard graphics uses a small portion of available system memory, there are 3 ways to increase the amount of video memory in your machine.

1) install another stick of 512mgs PC2100 DDR memory into the open memory slot which will increase your total system memory to the motherboards maximum supported amount, which in turn will increase the available memory for the video graphics. But, at 512mgs it should already allow you upto 32mgs and the machine isn't, this tells me you have alot of programs running in the background at startup that are draining away available system resources leaving alot less available memory for your onboard graphics. Windows XP takes 128mgs just to run the operating system, other programs that load at startup drain away from the remaining 384mgs, and finally the onboard video computes its share from the remaining space.

2) Determine what other programs are running in the background at startup, figure out what you need and what you don't and disable them. You can check running programs by going to the Start Button, select Run, type in msconfig and pressing enter. The window that opens up will show you all the programs that load at startup. To see if you get more video memory start out using selective startup, disable the option for Load Startup Options. This will prevent all the programs that HP normally loads at startup freeing up additional system resources.

3) According to your system specifications sheet, your system comes with an available AGP port on the motherboard. I recommend you find an AGP card similar to this one: . This isn't a high end card, but with the age of your machine and the lack of information on the specs sheet, I cannot assume it supports 8x AGP so you need to find a card that can run in a 4x environment like this one. By installing this AGP card you will separate out your video graphics memory to 128mgs of dedicated on graphics card memory freeing up that much more system resources for other tasks.

Formal recommendations in any case for this machine would be doing both options 1 and 3, that way you take your machine to its maximum supported system memory, and install a video graphics card with dedicated memory so it doesn't draw from the remaining system pool. This should get you your optimal results needed and wanted.

----- Added Note: I was reviewing HP's website, there appears also to be a BIOS update that is recommended to be installed which is supposed to correct some kind of video bios issue and bring the video bios upto a new level v2720. I cannot see what the benefits are for this version so I cannot say it will correct your issue. Here is the link to the bios update: .

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

Is there anyway to buy a laptop from the store, open it up and install a 3D graphics card? If someone could give me a link to the website that would be better. Thanks

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

Only some notebooks will take an add-on graphics is a detailed article...

Laptop graphics cards from Nvidia...

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

I bet you would have to have one made from a computer service store.

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

There are several things you can do

if you want an internal one check out the link I gave you

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

Most cards sold in the stores are for desktop computers.

I replaced the 16 mb card on my notebook with a 32 mb card. The card I bought was from an ebay vendor that said it was compatible with my make/model computer, which I verified through the manufacturer's site, where I also I got the instructions to replace the card.

It took 10 minutes, once I got the card in the mail.

Search ebay for cards for your comp. Caveat emptor, though. Check out the vendor first.

Installing a graphics card into a laptop?

It really depends on what laptop you are using.

From my experience you shouldn't really do it yourself, since the wires inside a laptop are really that fine, and the video card of the laptop is that far deep inside the system.

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Where can I buy PCI Bus Graphics Card for My P3 Desktop PC in Singapore? Only PCI, no AGP slot on my PC. What cost?

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

get this card if you can....check availability from supplier to ur country

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Very cheap... Look for a micro center or comp usa

for cheapest easist way

use there a whole bunch fairly cheap

Newegg is a very very good website, i highly recommend them, and i dont think anyone else would disagree

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

the best one is the g-force mx4000 about $30us

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Wow, you last two guys don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. The fastest PCI graphics card available is the ATI 9250, like this one: and the second-fastest is the FX5500, like this one: Both of those cards will destroy an FX5200, and a 5200 is more than twice as fast as an MX4000.

Nhl 08 graphics suck?

i have nhl 08 for ps3 and for some reason the graphics are pretty bad, and i have a hd tv. Whats wrong with it?

Nhl 08 graphics suck?

because u have a ps3...get the xbox 360...but here check this check if your HD plugs connceted to your tv are in, if they aree in good, take them out and put them back in...

San andreas graphics...cloudy and grainy?

when i play gta: sa, the graphics are really weird and messed up, sort of cartoonish. my gfx card is geforce 8800 gts ssc, so tht cant be the problem rite? what is?

thx in advance

San andreas graphics...cloudy and grainy?

Hmm, well San Andreas can have the effect of blurryness in sunlight and with the heat of a California city. Also when your going really fast it will blur the screen to mimic the effect of tunnel vision.

If anything you should go to the options screen and set everything to optimal system settings, that should help the game determine how detailed characters and graphics should be

Should I get a new graphics card?

I'm wondering if I should get a new graphics card because I got a pretty old one in my computer. It's a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600XT. I'm starting to wonder because I plan to ge t Medieval 2 and I heard that takes a lot of memory and pretty good graphics card. So if someone out there could tell me if I should get a new one and if I should then what type should I get to run some pretty hi-end games. Thank You.

Should I get a new graphics card?

Not enough info, dude. It would depend on what your system is, what kind of AGP you have, how much RAM, what kind and what the clock speed of your processor is, etc.

Chances ae that if your system is more than 3 years old, you would be better off to just get a new system that is designed specifically for high-end graphics work. If it is, then go to and check out their graphics and gaming systems. The XW systems that they have are designed and built for professional graphics work but don't cost as much as the consumer grade stuff you would get from like Alineware or another of the "toy" brands.

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Where can I buy PCI Bus Graphics Card for My P3 Desktop PC in Singapore? Only PCI, no AGP slot on my PC. What cost?

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

get this card if you can....check availability from supplier to ur country

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Very cheap... Look for a micro center or comp usa

for cheapest easist way

use there a whole bunch fairly cheap

Newegg is a very very good website, i highly recommend them, and i dont think anyone else would disagree

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

the best one is the g-force mx4000 about $30us

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Wow, you last two guys don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. The fastest PCI graphics card available is the ATI 9250, like this one: and the second-fastest is the FX5500, like this one: Both of those cards will destroy an FX5200, and a 5200 is more than twice as fast as an MX4000.

PS2 yellowish graphics problem............?

my friend give me a broken ps2 it did not read the cd's so i opened it completely a cleaned it and it works... ! but the graphics look kind of bad its hase a yellowish color (really weird) and its not the tv , cud it be some alignment settings in the cd player or dust in the laser or bad rca cable's ? the game is Grand Turismo 4 and its new forme the box

PS2 yellowish graphics problem............?

get a new ps2 or are you cheap

How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?

The graphics says 64MB max but in the BIOS it says 1mb and 8 mb only for the onboard graphics. How do I get it to 64 or even 32

How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?

Graphics memory is in the memory card, while your BIOS configures your motherboard. Unless you are using native video that plays right off the motherboard don't worry about it. If you are using video built into the motherboard and want to crank it up, it's time to upgrade...

How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?


How do I crank the graphics memory past 8 MB on the HP Pavilion 743c?

Ok, according to your specifications sheet for the 743C, you have 512mgs of system memory and the motherboard can support upto a maximum of 1gig total divided across 2 slots. Onboard graphics uses a small portion of available system memory, there are 3 ways to increase the amount of video memory in your machine.

1) install another stick of 512mgs PC2100 DDR memory into the open memory slot which will increase your total system memory to the motherboards maximum supported amount, which in turn will increase the available memory for the video graphics. But, at 512mgs it should already allow you upto 32mgs and the machine isn't, this tells me you have alot of programs running in the background at startup that are draining away available system resources leaving alot less available memory for your onboard graphics. Windows XP takes 128mgs just to run the operating system, other programs that load at startup drain away from the remaining 384mgs, and finally the onboard video computes its share from the remaining space.

2) Determine what other programs are running in the background at startup, figure out what you need and what you don't and disable them. You can check running programs by going to the Start Button, select Run, type in msconfig and pressing enter. The window that opens up will show you all the programs that load at startup. To see if you get more video memory start out using selective startup, disable the option for Load Startup Options. This will prevent all the programs that HP normally loads at startup freeing up additional system resources.

3) According to your system specifications sheet, your system comes with an available AGP port on the motherboard. I recommend you find an AGP card similar to this one: . This isn't a high end card, but with the age of your machine and the lack of information on the specs sheet, I cannot assume it supports 8x AGP so you need to find a card that can run in a 4x environment like this one. By installing this AGP card you will separate out your video graphics memory to 128mgs of dedicated on graphics card memory freeing up that much more system resources for other tasks.

Formal recommendations in any case for this machine would be doing both options 1 and 3, that way you take your machine to its maximum supported system memory, and install a video graphics card with dedicated memory so it doesn't draw from the remaining system pool. This should get you your optimal results needed and wanted.

----- Added Note: I was reviewing HP's website, there appears also to be a BIOS update that is recommended to be installed which is supposed to correct some kind of video bios issue and bring the video bios upto a new level v2720. I cannot see what the benefits are for this version so I cannot say it will correct your issue. Here is the link to the bios update: .

BFG - GeForce 6200 OC Graphics Card?

If I buy this graphics card will it meet the miniumum specs for games like oblivion or call of duty 4?

BFG - GeForce 6200 OC Graphics Card?

Let's see the requirement of those 2 games:


minimum: 128MB Direct3D compatible video card

recommanded:..., Nvidia GeForce 6800 series, ...

since 6200 (not the TC version) has min memory of 128 MB, It meets the min requirement.

Call of duty 4:

min: DirectX 9-compliant Shader 3.0 card with 128 MB of DDR Video Memory (256 MB recommended) AGP 8x or PCI-Express x16

well, 6200 supports directX 9.0c so your card pass the min test.

The GeForce 6200 OC version :P passes both min requirement. I assume that your pc also meets other hardware requirements for the 2 games, then you can basically "run" the games. Anyway I don't think you will like the frame rate of it. I highly doubt it will run at playable frame rate even in low setting.

You should use a better card than that. Try check the Tom Hardware site to find the right card for you :)

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Where can I buy PCI Bus Graphics Card for My P3 Desktop PC in Singapore? Only PCI, no AGP slot on my PC. What cost?

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

get this card if you can....check availability from supplier to ur country

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Very cheap... Look for a micro center or comp usa

for cheapest easist way

use there a whole bunch fairly cheap

Newegg is a very very good website, i highly recommend them, and i dont think anyone else would disagree

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

the best one is the g-force mx4000 about $30us

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Wow, you last two guys don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. The fastest PCI graphics card available is the ATI 9250, like this one: and the second-fastest is the FX5500, like this one: Both of those cards will destroy an FX5200, and a 5200 is more than twice as fast as an MX4000.

Myspace comments graphics?

I am looking for Myspace comment graphics. Not the usual stuff, but something unique.

Myspace comments graphics? has hundreds og myspace comments and graphics.

Myspace comments graphics?

go on google n type inmyspace comment graphics n it will come up with aload of answers

Myspace comments graphics?

You should try asking all your myspace questions at

they even have their own forums and help area for ANYTHING myspace!

Myspace comments graphics?

The only way to guarantee that your graphics are truly unique is to make them yourself. Anything that you haven't made yourself if a copy, and therefore not unique.

Or, as an alternative, you could just find something better to do with your time lol


Myspace comments graphics?

Top 20 MySpace Comment Sites

"Hundreds of websites offer MySpace comments, but only these twenty made our cut. We believe they offer the best quality, and quantity, of free MySpace comments."

This should save you from randomly trudging through Google results, but I'm not sure how unique the graphics are. Like someone else said, the only way to really have unique myspace comments is probably to make them yourself.

Myspace comments graphics?

I agree that to truly have one of a kind graphics you would need to make them on your own. However, not everyone is an artist, or cares to be one. I have found that the site has some different kinds of graphics and comments. I guess because they make most of their stuff themselves. Hope this helps!

Help Upgrading Graphics Card....?

I recently bought a brand new gateway...

absolutely love it to death, 2 gigs of ram, 2.8 dual core AMD, rated at 7.65ghz (not kidding)..... 600 bucks...

only 1 problem, a 6150SE Nvidia 128mb...

terrible graphics card, I mainly use my PC for games, and this thing just doesnt cut it.

I happened upon a 9550 ATI Radeon 256, and am very interested in upgrading.

can someone walk me throught the process of upgrading, and the best ways to discharge static....?

I have vista, and the ATI drivers on a disc, if that makes any difference at all...

Help Upgrading Graphics Card....?

Here's a good place to go:

They have pictures and everything- so you can print it out and use it while you're actually doing it

Help Upgrading Graphics Card....?

First before you do anything, make sure your computer even has an AGP slot, it is required for the Radeon 9550 but most computers with the 6150SE have a PCIe slot instead.

You can look at your computer's documentation to find out, here's a picture of the two slot's relative sizes so if you open up your computer, you can check it out.

Most computers should have the PCIe (PCI Express 16) slot or the AGP slot above the PCI and PCIe (PCI Express 1) slots.

Other wise, just place the 9550 into the AGP slot, install the drivers and your all set.

Easiest way to discharge static is just to keep your body touching the inside of your case at all times.

Help Upgrading Graphics Card....?

I recently bought a brand new gateway...

absolutely love it to death, 2 gigs of ram, 2.8 dual core AMD, rated at 7.65ghz (not kidding)..... 600 bucks...

only 1 problem, a 6150SE Nvidia 128mb...

terrible graphics card, I mainly use my PC for games, and this thing just doesnt cut it.

I happened upon a 9550 ATI Radeon 256, and am very interested in upgrading.

can someone walk me throught the process of upgrading, and the best ways to discharge static....?

I have vista, and the ATI drivers on a disc, if that makes any difference at all...

Help Upgrading Graphics Card....?

Here's a good place to go:

They have pictures and everything- so you can print it out and use it while you're actually doing it

Help Upgrading Graphics Card....?

First before you do anything, make sure your computer even has an AGP slot, it is required for the Radeon 9550 but most computers with the 6150SE have a PCIe slot instead.

You can look at your computer's documentation to find out, here's a picture of the two slot's relative sizes so if you open up your computer, you can check it out.

Most computers should have the PCIe (PCI Express 16) slot or the AGP slot above the PCI and PCIe (PCI Express 1) slots.

Other wise, just place the 9550 into the AGP slot, install the drivers and your all set.

Easiest way to discharge static is just to keep your body touching the inside of your case at all times.

Is the graphics card in the new iMacs (ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB) up to playing games such as hal

Has anyone installed windows (vista) onto one of the new macs with this graphics card and would you be able to run it at full quality? Any predictions for it handling crysis? (The system would also have 2048mb of Ram)

Is the graphics card in the new iMacs (ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB) up to playing games such as half life 2?

based on ur specs u can run HL2 flawlessly at the best settings. but i wouldn't play games on a mac. when HL2 Ep2 comes out, you'd have to be using SLI or Crossfire to get he best reaults and so far as i know, macs can support only grafiks card due to their size... sell ur mac. it's valuable. and get a dell XPS.

Is the graphics card in the new iMacs (ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB) up to playing games such as half life 2?

Yes, the ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB is more than capable of coping with HL2. HL2 is actually quite a forgiving games in terms of system spec. and allows decent frame rate on some fairly low spec machines with reduced graphics settings.

Obviously the iMac is not a gaming machine, so it will not be up to the comparable PC performance.

As to Crysis, too early to say what will be the required spec., although you are right, the developers have said 2mb of RAM as a minimum. Given that this is well beyond the average system (based on Steam's data which they publish) this tends to suggest that the Crysis developers are not trying too hard to make the game run on lower spec machines.

Windows Vista - Graphics card help!?

I want a good mid-range $200-$300 graphics card for a PCI or PCI-e x16 slot type. I would prefer it to utilize Direct X 10, but it doesn't make that big of a difference to me.

Windows Vista - Graphics card help!?


PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Where can I buy PCI Bus Graphics Card for My P3 Desktop PC in Singapore? Only PCI, no AGP slot on my PC. What cost?

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

get this card if you can....check availability from supplier to ur country

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Very cheap... Look for a micro center or comp usa

for cheapest easist way

use there a whole bunch fairly cheap

Newegg is a very very good website, i highly recommend them, and i dont think anyone else would disagree

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

the best one is the g-force mx4000 about $30us

PCI Bus Graphics Card for P3 Desktop PC?

Wow, you last two guys don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. The fastest PCI graphics card available is the ATI 9250, like this one: and the second-fastest is the FX5500, like this one: Both of those cards will destroy an FX5200, and a 5200 is more than twice as fast as an MX4000.

I need to know what graphics card to buy? In very basic terms?

I know NOTHING about them, or computers. All i know is i have a dell. and i only have the inbuilt one. (that lets me play Rome total war.)

I dont know what i need to buy in terms of a graphics card. I'm wanting to play at least Medieval total war. But what do i need to ask for in a shop, or do all graphics cards fit all P.C's

I have Photos of the inside of my computer but i dont even know how to post them on here. Somebody please help me. I feel so dumb.

I think my computer is a Mesh, Home edition, version pack 2, 2.00 ghz 736 mb of ram.

Does this mean anything? I can email photo.

My email.

I need to know what graphics card to buy? In very basic terms?

I sent you an email , hence respond by sending me the pics and the full model# of your computer, and I will see what I can suggest.

The email subject is --%26gt; Yahoo Answers - Video Card


Ok, your motherboard supports an AGP 8x slot :

AGP8X (1.5V only).

So as long as you ask for a card that fits the above slot and voltage then it will fit in your pc.

This is one of the best cards you can get for AGP right now:

Radeon X1950 Pro Video Card - 256MB

If the person at the store cannot confirm the voltage , then post the model card you think of getting and I will verify the voltage

I need to know what graphics card to buy? In very basic terms?

you need to list a model# ... u need to determine if u have agp or pci express .. somthing in the nvidia 7600 range should suffice but u still need to figure out what slot type if any you have available ..

I need to know what graphics card to buy? In very basic terms?

alright, heres what you need to know

nvidia graphics are the best, in my opinion, but ATI graphics cards are also awesome. Pick from one of those two brands

now, I would reccomend a nvidia 8 series, like an 8100 card. You need to make sure that the card will be able to connect to your computer(the connection type) most computers have a PCI x16 slot, but you will want to make sure

this is the connection slot that your card will most likely use

without pics, i cant tell u much more, so ur gonna have to find somebody more tech savvy to take a look at ur computer

I need to know what graphics card to buy? In very basic terms?

How much do you want to spend? Go on For under 100 get the geforce 7600gt or radeon x1650xt, for $120 get the HIS radeon x1950pro, and if you want to spend more than that wait until the new cards come out.

Myspace comments graphics?

I am looking for Myspace comment graphics. Not the usual stuff, but something unique.

Myspace comments graphics? has hundreds og myspace comments and graphics.

Myspace comments graphics?

go on google n type inmyspace comment graphics n it will come up with aload of answers

Myspace comments graphics?

You should try asking all your myspace questions at

they even have their own forums and help area for ANYTHING myspace!

Myspace comments graphics?

The only way to guarantee that your graphics are truly unique is to make them yourself. Anything that you haven't made yourself if a copy, and therefore not unique.

Or, as an alternative, you could just find something better to do with your time lol


Myspace comments graphics?

Top 20 MySpace Comment Sites

"Hundreds of websites offer MySpace comments, but only these twenty made our cut. We believe they offer the best quality, and quantity, of free MySpace comments."

This should save you from randomly trudging through Google results, but I'm not sure how unique the graphics are. Like someone else said, the only way to really have unique myspace comments is probably to make them yourself.

Myspace comments graphics?

I agree that to truly have one of a kind graphics you would need to make them on your own. However, not everyone is an artist, or cares to be one. I have found that the site has some different kinds of graphics and comments. I guess because they make most of their stuff themselves. Hope this helps!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What does APPLE SUCK when it comes to graphics cards?

They use 7300 gt in there mac pros

WTF Apple?

I thought it's 2008 not 2005, why can't you put a modern graphics card into a $4000 computer like the 8800?

You call that killer graphics?

What does APPLE SUCK when it comes to graphics cards?

Apple always falls short on its face and rips you off for it every time.

What does APPLE SUCK when it comes to graphics cards?


maybe its because most games can't be installed on macs and there NOT MADE FOR THE PURPORSE OF IT

What does APPLE SUCK when it comes to graphics cards?

because apple sucks.

i hate apple, i have several broken ipods that wont turn on no matter what i do.

What does APPLE SUCK when it comes to graphics cards?

The issue isn't so much with the card itself, as it is with the software drivers for the card.

In order for any hardware company to make drivers specifically for Apple, they have to have Apple's approval...which sometimes cost quite a bit of time and money. Whereas with PC base computers (that includes Linux OS) you don't need the PC or operating system's permission to make drivers.

Steve Jobs even said that the future of the Apple company is not in computers, but in hand held devices (ipod, phones, etc)

Apple, once known for its high end graphics ability, has fallen short recently in the market.

What does APPLE SUCK when it comes to graphics cards?

The most expensive Apple computer in their store is the Mac Pro at $2,499.

What does APPLE SUCK when it comes to graphics cards?

Check here for more info on cards that may work:

Is the graphics card in the new iMacs (ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB) up to playing games such as hal

Has anyone installed windows (vista) onto one of the new macs with this graphics card and would you be able to run it at full quality? Any predictions for it handling crysis? (The system would also have 2048mb of Ram)

Is the graphics card in the new iMacs (ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB) up to playing games such as half life 2?

based on ur specs u can run HL2 flawlessly at the best settings. but i wouldn't play games on a mac. when HL2 Ep2 comes out, you'd have to be using SLI or Crossfire to get he best reaults and so far as i know, macs can support only grafiks card due to their size... sell ur mac. it's valuable. and get a dell XPS.

Is the graphics card in the new iMacs (ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB) up to playing games such as half life 2?

Yes, the ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO 256MB is more than capable of coping with HL2. HL2 is actually quite a forgiving games in terms of system spec. and allows decent frame rate on some fairly low spec machines with reduced graphics settings.

Obviously the iMac is not a gaming machine, so it will not be up to the comparable PC performance.

As to Crysis, too early to say what will be the required spec., although you are right, the developers have said 2mb of RAM as a minimum. Given that this is well beyond the average system (based on Steam's data which they publish) this tends to suggest that the Crysis developers are not trying too hard to make the game run on lower spec machines.

Reggaeton myspace graphics?

where can i find myspace graphics of reggaeton singers??

Reggaeton myspace graphics? is pretty cool

C/C++ basic graphics??

In C/C++ basic graphics??,

how do i create a simple colored box and colerd text???

dos mode???


C/C++ basic graphics??

Idk about dos mode, but you can use opengl. It is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, check out the official opengl book here:

How do I know which graphics card to get?

My mother board is from a HP 920a computer. It has been put in a new case because the power supply died in the old case. I now want to update the graphics card because right now it only has the on board graphics card. How do I know which one this motherboard will support? I only have PCI slots. I want to get one that will be able to handle such programs as SIMS 2. I also don't want to spend an arm and a leg because it is for my 6 1/2 year old.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

First of all make absolutely sure you don't have any AGP slot, because from the specs I looked up on that computer, you should have one, and AGP would be a much much better option.

If you are in fact stuck with PCI, I would sincerely recommend getting the X1300 from ATI. The SIMS 2 is not a graphics intensvie program, but it does take a decent amount of power to run, more than a lot of people think, so you really should get the X1300, which is the best available for PCI, although still what would be considered a budget card. Here is one with a rebate:

If you do in fact find out you have AGP, send me an email and I can find you something better, probably for around the same price.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

Most any graphics card that is PCI compatable will work. SIMS 2 is not THAT graphically-intensive... read the reviews on and choose something in your price range.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

No problem. You won't be playing the latest games on it, just make sure the system meets the other requirements of the Sims 2, and you will be rather limited in your choice of graphics cards but...

the nvidia FX5500 should get the job done at $56,

If you can find the 6200 in a PCI version I would pick that up, it's slightly better. I don't like ATi cards but they offer the X1300 in PCI form which will run you $100 and up, you may not want to spend quite that much.

Stay away from the Radeon 9250, it doesn't support DirectX 9 and stay away from any of the Geforce MX4000 series, they also do not support DirectX 9, I believe they top out at version 7. From what I could find it looks like the FX5500 will be your best bet, you can save a few bucks and go with the FX5200, if you want but the FX5500 is slightly faster.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

I for one cant understand why they would put your mobo in a new case if the power supply went bad! The number you gave is NOT a mobo number either! Its the model of the PC itself and due to the fact that they could have put different mobos in that particular model you need to do a little more research however, the nice guy that I am, I will give you an easy way to find out what exactly is in your system! Download a program called Belarc Advisor. Its clean of any malware and I have used it for years, run it and repost this info or contact me and I will tell you what you need..

A level graphics help?

i need some help with my graphics coursework

i have to produce three pieces of work in the style of antonio gaudi, giuseppe arcimbolodo and gunther von hagen

i am really stuck on thinking of original and creative ideas

please help

A level graphics help?

Discuss with your classmates and find out a best solution.. i also have times problems and i discuss with my mates get things done.... trust me... Good Luck. Teamwork is the best

A level graphics help?

The whole point of taking a course in graphics is to develop and demonstrate your original and creative ideas!

A level graphics help?

Research, research, research first... let it all cook in your brain. You be surprised at the way the ideas bubble up after that.

A level graphics help?

i need some help with my graphics coursework

i have to produce three pieces of work in the style of antonio gaudi, giuseppe arcimbolodo and gunther von hagen

i am really stuck on thinking of original and creative ideas

please help

A level graphics help?

Discuss with your classmates and find out a best solution.. i also have times problems and i discuss with my mates get things done.... trust me... Good Luck. Teamwork is the best

A level graphics help?

The whole point of taking a course in graphics is to develop and demonstrate your original and creative ideas!

A level graphics help?

Research, research, research first... let it all cook in your brain. You be surprised at the way the ideas bubble up after that.

Unable to load Graphic card driver. Graphics card being used - Winfast PX 6600GT-128 MB DDR3.?

I am using an MSI motherboard (MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum Edition) (MS-7125)v1.X ATX along with a graphics card manufactured by Leadtek ( Winfast PX 6600GT-128 MB DDR3) purchased in Oct '05. Recently my pc had crashed and i had to reload the OS - XP Pro. However i am unable to load the graphics card driver. On loading the driver, the installation wizard appears as shown in the Manual. Everything goes smoothly till a warning message appears "Winfast PX 6600GT has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compactibility with Windows XP". As shown in the Manual, on clicking the "Continue Anway" tab, the screen goes completely blank but for a blinking cursor . I also have a problem with loading the motherboard chipset driver. However that should not affect the graphic card/driver, I suspect. Please Help!!!!

MotherboardMSI K8N Neo4 Platinum Edition) (MS-7125)v1.X ATX, Processor - AMD-Athlon64 3000, RAM - 1 GB Transcend, Hard Disk -160 GB SATA Seagate,BIOS - Silicon Image Inc. ver 5.1.39

Unable to load Graphic card driver. Graphics card being used - Winfast PX 6600GT-128 MB DDR3.?

after installing a vanilla unit (meaning, no extra cards attached), the chipset should be installed FIRST AND FOREMOST.

Navida 8600 Graphics card?

just wondering i'm planning to get this graphics card..

MSI GeForce 8600GT,


Do you think this will be a good enough graphic card to buy, and will play games on medium-high settings for 1 or 2 years..

If i'm having to pay all this money anyways for this one, would it be better to get a 8700 since it'll be used for more years.. i don't want to pay that much for it though..

Navida 8600 Graphics card?

I totally agree with above post. if you are wanting to get fps on current and future games the 8800gt is the way to go. You'll find the 8600 is really getting behind the 8-ball next year.

check out the performance difference here

Navida 8600 Graphics card?

I don't know anything about the 8700..but I can say a 8600gt is a low end video card that won't play most newer games now at medium high ..especially in 1 to 2 years.You would also be better off with a 256mb version of that card as it is much to slow to even bother spending the extra for 512mb of ram.I'd recommend saving up for a 8800GT 512 if possible or ATI Radeon HD 3850or3870 series

Dell Laptop / Graphics Card?

ok i have a Dell Inspiron with .99 Gig of Ram and a

Mobile Intel ( R ) 945GM Express Chipset ..

i was just seeing if the graphics card is good enough to play games like WoW . Counter-Strike Source . Guild Wars ?

Dell Laptop / Graphics Card?

The Graphics card is the built in Graphics and it shares the 1Gb RAM u have...The games might be playable at lower resolutions and also slower than normal..The games u have mentioned have the following requirements

Windows庐 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0

Pentium庐 133


2X CD-ROM drive

Mouse and Keyboard

640x480 SVGA high color (16-bit) display

Windows-compatible sound device

Recommended System Requirements

Pentium庐 166+


3D accelerator card (OpenGL or Direct 3D)

The requirements for Counter-Strike from are

System Requirements

Windows漏 95/98/NT/2000/ME


Intel Penitum庐 233 or AMD K6-2


400 MB HD Space

2x CD ROM Drive

SVGA, high-color (16-bit)

Win-compatible Soundcard

32-bit Internet service provider with

28.8+ modem or LAN


Intel Penitum庐 233 or AMD K6-2


3D Accelerator card (OpenGL or Direct


The system requirements for World of Warcraft are as follows...


* Processor: 800MHz or higher CPU.

* RAM: 256Mb or more.

* Video: GeForce 2 or better

* Hard Drive Space: 3Gb or more available.

* DirectX 9.0 or above.

which definitely shows that what u have is bare essential and all u need is a External Graphics card or a new Laptop with a dedicated graphics card from ATi / Geforce etc...

Dell Laptop / Graphics Card?

No, you need a new laptop with a dedicated GC.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

My mother board is from a HP 920a computer. It has been put in a new case because the power supply died in the old case. I now want to update the graphics card because right now it only has the on board graphics card. How do I know which one this motherboard will support? I only have PCI slots. I want to get one that will be able to handle such programs as SIMS 2. I also don't want to spend an arm and a leg because it is for my 6 1/2 year old.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

First of all make absolutely sure you don't have any AGP slot, because from the specs I looked up on that computer, you should have one, and AGP would be a much much better option.

If you are in fact stuck with PCI, I would sincerely recommend getting the X1300 from ATI. The SIMS 2 is not a graphics intensvie program, but it does take a decent amount of power to run, more than a lot of people think, so you really should get the X1300, which is the best available for PCI, although still what would be considered a budget card. Here is one with a rebate:

If you do in fact find out you have AGP, send me an email and I can find you something better, probably for around the same price.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

Most any graphics card that is PCI compatable will work. SIMS 2 is not THAT graphically-intensive... read the reviews on and choose something in your price range.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

No problem. You won't be playing the latest games on it, just make sure the system meets the other requirements of the Sims 2, and you will be rather limited in your choice of graphics cards but...

the nvidia FX5500 should get the job done at $56,

If you can find the 6200 in a PCI version I would pick that up, it's slightly better. I don't like ATi cards but they offer the X1300 in PCI form which will run you $100 and up, you may not want to spend quite that much.

Stay away from the Radeon 9250, it doesn't support DirectX 9 and stay away from any of the Geforce MX4000 series, they also do not support DirectX 9, I believe they top out at version 7. From what I could find it looks like the FX5500 will be your best bet, you can save a few bucks and go with the FX5200, if you want but the FX5500 is slightly faster.

How do I know which graphics card to get?

I for one cant understand why they would put your mobo in a new case if the power supply went bad! The number you gave is NOT a mobo number either! Its the model of the PC itself and due to the fact that they could have put different mobos in that particular model you need to do a little more research however, the nice guy that I am, I will give you an easy way to find out what exactly is in your system! Download a program called Belarc Advisor. Its clean of any malware and I have used it for years, run it and repost this info or contact me and I will tell you what you need..

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